Pears Cobbler

A baked pears with flour and butter like cobbler is very simple to make and yummy with a scoop of fresh cream or ice cream. I found this dessert very easy to make when all of a sudden guests knock at your door for a lunch or dinner.

Cobbler might just be the easiest I have ever made. This is the recipe if you make once then remember forever. You can make it with a spatula with peaches or any other fruit you want to turn into a delicious dessert. Usually I use tin fruits to save time, but I love to make this recipe with fresh fruits, you just need to stir in sugar syrup for a couple of minutes till it becomes tender. I made this cobbler in a different way, instead of  cobbler topping on pears, I baked in cobbler mixture.


2 cups pear halves,  ( I used tin), drain the syrup and keep pear halves aside.

1 1/2 cup flour

1 cup sugar

6 tablespoons butter, melted

1 cup milk

1 tablespoon cinnamon powder


Preheat the oven at 200 degree C.

In a mixing bowl, combine flour, sugar, milk and melted butter for cobbler mixture.

In a baking dish, pour the cobbler mixture first , now place peaches over it. Sprinkle cinnamon powder for spicy flavor on top of it.

Bake in pre-heated oven at 175 degree C for 25 minutes, till cobbler turn into brown colour.

Note: If you are using fresh fruits, cook in sugar syrup till fruits cooked properly.