Baked dry fruits Gujia

Holi is incomplete without sweets specially called Gujia, I think my baked gujia stuffed with dry fruits and dipped into a  syrup of dates jaggery is perfect for health freak person to nibble on. Our whole house is wafted in its lovely warm aroma, when I started baking these sweet little treat for our festival HOLI.

What can I say about this sweet, the flavors blew me off, delicate but distinct. Gujia itself is featherligbt and airy, with subtle flavor of dates jaggery.


For dough :

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour

3 tablespoons butter

1/ 2 cup milk

Pinch of baking powder

For Filling :

1/2 cup dates, deseeded  and chopped

2 tablespoons raisins / black raisins

1 tablespoon blue berries

1 tablespoon red berries

For Syrup :

1 cup dates  jaggery

2 cup water


Make a dough of flour, baking powder, butter and milk and keep aside for half an hour.

In a bowl, mix chopped dates, raisins and blue and red berries.

Now take kneaded dough and make medium size balls out of this dough. In a flat surface start rolling the dough ball  into a  flat round shape.

Now  cut into long strips and fill each strips with this mixture and fold it into a square shape. With the help of fork seal all the sides of filled square shaped gujia.

In a small bowl, take butter and brush on top of  each gujia for a glaze.

Place gujia in preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180 degree C.

For syrup :

In a pan over medium heat, add water and jaggery. Let it boil till you get sticky consistency.

In this syrup, dip each baked gujia and take out in a plate.

You can garnish it with almond flakes, rose petals or chopped pistachio.