Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with Peanut and Coconut Sauce

When you needed a break from your work, and breathe some freshness into life, I indulge into cooking. And baking is such a therapeutic act for me, filling me with renewed energy. Being a vegetarian, I opted veg option for stuffing. My cabbage rolls stuffed with protein packed soy chunks and dipped into silky smooth flavorful peanut and coconut sauce. It's amazing how a  sauce can enhance and heighten flavors.

The head of cabbage is frozen and then thawed, which softens the leaves and makes them easy to peel and stuff. 


12 - 14 Cabbage leaves

For filling : 

1 1/2 cup soy chunks, soak in water

15 - 20 Raisins 

8 - 10 Cashews

2 tablespoons fresh green peas

1 onion, chopped

4 cloves, chopped

1 tablespoons soy sauce

1 teaspoon tomato sauce 


1 teaspoon red chili powder

For Sauce :

1/2 cup Peanuts, soaked and make a paste

1 cup Coconut Milk

1 onion, chopped

2 cloves of garlic 

1 teaspoon red chili powder

Oil for cooking 



If you are not using frozen cabbage then peel one by one drop in boiling salted water. Cook until leaves are piable.

Heat oven at 200 degree C.

For filling, put soaked soy chunks in grinder and grind it coarsely. 

In a bowl, mix soy chunks, raisins, cashews, green peas, salt, red chili powder, soy sauce and tomato sauce. Mix it well and divide into 12 to 14 portions.

Place a portion of mixture into a center of cabbage leaf. Roll leaf around filling and fasten with a tooth pick. Keep aside.

For Sauce, in a skillet over medium heat, add oil and fry chopped onion and garlic, stirring continuously. Add peanut paste, red chili powder and salt to taste. Cook for sometime and when sauce is about to cook add coconut milk, cook for another two minutes and remove from heat.

Baking : Place each stuffed cabbage rolls in baking dish then pour the sauce over it. Make two layers and pour remaining sauce on top of it and bake in 180 degree for 20 to 25 minutes.

Serve with noodles or garlic bread !!