Roasted spicy Cauliflower steaks

I'm a sucker for a good cauliflower recipe as it is one of my favorite veggie. It looks so exotic that everyone fall in love with. And, winter is the right and best time to eat cauliflower in India, though you see this round the year. Honestly speaking I didn't follow any recipe to make this steaks, when I saw cauliflower in my pantry thought of cooking in a  different way. So, I did an experiment and it came out real good in taste and became an eye appealing dish to wow everyone at the dinner table.

For this recipe, you need to choose the largest head of cauliflower. When you cut into it, keep in mind that the center pieces will stay together, but the end pieces may fall apart into florets and you can grill those too. If you want to make this in large quantity, you can make and keep rest of florets for many dishes like puree, cauliflower totes, in curry, in soup, etc.

This recipe tastes phenomenal and takes on a lovely charred color when oven-roasted.


1 large head of cauliflower
2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon paprika / red chili powder


Preheat oven at 200 degree C.  Brush baking tray with oil.

Remove leaves from cauliflower, trim stem to create a flat base. Slice into equal slabs to create steaks by holding cauliflower upright on stem.

In a bowl, combine barbecue sauce, olive oil, paprika and salt. Now mixture is ready.

Now liberally brush mixture on both sides of each cauliflower steak and place steaks in the prepared baking tray.  Place in oven and roast for 15 minutes. Remove dishes from the oven, carefully turn cauliflower over. Brush with the remaining mixture. Roast for 10-15 minutes more or until cauliflower is crisp-tender.

Enjoy as side dish in winter !!