Rajgira laddu ( Amaranth seeds laddu)

What is Rajgira or Amaranth seeds ?? If you ask this question few years  ago only health freak person could reply, but now this superfood is popular worldwide. Rajgira also known as Amaranth seeds is one of the superfood that is relatively new term holds a great nutritional value. I got to know about this superfood only after my marriage which is known as seul in Jammu and Kashmir. During Navratri fast  my mother in law made kheer with this amaranth seeds which was very new to me and it was very delicious. Since than I started carrying with me in bulk to have in breakfast and in fast. This  Amaranth seeds / Rajgira is a popular choice of food during fast among Hindus. Falling under category of  non cereal food, this rajgira is one of the  highly favoured food during fast.

Most nutritious grain in the world grows abundance in India from Himalayas, plains of north, south and central India and coastlines of west, east and south of country. One can trace its roots to Aztec tribe , if you are looking into history. Amaranth seeds is not only their staple food but connected with religious ceremonies too. Our ancestors might be well versed with this superfood , so they included this during fast.

Rajgira is usually used to make kheer with milk , ladoo with sugar or jaggery , Now Rajgira flour is available to make chapatis , parantha and included in making cakes and biscuits for multiple health reasons.

Rajgira laddu is healthy munching choice for your family and kids. Make this crispy and healthy laddus in bulk and store it in air tight jar. This popped Amaranth seeds are easily available in all departmental stores.


2 cups popped Rajgira  seeds (Amaranth seeds)
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon kewra essence or rose essence ( optional )


In a pan over medium heat , add sugar and water and bring to a boil till you get sticky consistency . Add kewra essence or rose essence into it for aroma , it’s optional .

Now in a large pan, mix this popped amaranth seeds with sugar syrup. Mix it well and make balls out of this mixture .

Serve or you can store it in air tight jar for later use.