Eggless Basbousa Cake ( Semolina and Coconut cake )

Basbousa Cake ( Semolina  and coconut cake ) is a Middle eastern dessert which is basically sweet semolina cake drenched in syrup. Today I’m sharing an eggless version of Basbousa cake recipe. 

Semolina treats are popular throughout the Middle East and parts of Europe. There are frankly too many variations of semolina cake . Some recipes call for eggs, others call for yogurt. Some use a honey based syrup, others use a sugar based syrup. Some syrups are flavoured with citrus like orange or lemon peels, and others use spices like cinnamon or cloves. All semolina treats I have tried are pretty good but this one is my all time favourite. 

Now, don’t let the beauty of this popular classic Middle Eastern cake fool you. It’s actually super easy to make. What if I told you it’s a one one bowl “ dump” cake kinda recipe ? 

You know that’s my favourite type of recipe. You basically pour all the ingredients ( both dry and wet ) into a bowl and stir it with a ladle , pour into greased baking dish and that’s basically it. 

There’s also the syrup. It’s a combination of water and sugar which is boiled for 10 mins then poured on the cake once it’s baked. The result is delicious moist and flavourful bars of gold . 


2 cups coarse semolina 
1 cup coconut 
1/2 cup melted butter/ clarified butter 
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder 
1 cup plain yogurt or sour cream
1/2 cup milk 
1/3 cup whole roasted or blanced almonds to garnish or 1/3 pistachios or cashews

For the syrup 
2 cups sugar 
1 1/2 cup water 
1 tablespoon rose water optional 
1 teaspoon lemon juice 
Few strands of saffron 

Method : 

Preheat the oven at 200 degree C.

In a large mixing bowl, combine together the sugar and yogurt . Now add in the semolina, coconut, sugar, baking powder, milk and melted butter. Finally stir the mixture and let it sit for 30-40 minutes. 

Transfer the semolina mixture into a lightly greased round baking dish. Bake it in 175 degree C for about 30-35 minutes. Remove from oven and place blanched almonds on top and  bake till the top of the basbousa gains light golden colour. Watch it carefully. When ready remove from oven. 

While the cake is baking , prepare the syrup. In a small sauce pan, combine the sugar, water and add few strands of saffron.  Bring to a boil on high heat, stirring until sugar dissolves. Turn heat to low and let cook for few minutes until the syrup thickens. Remove  from heat and stir in rose water ( optional ) and lemon juice. Let it cool completely. 

As soon as the Basbousa is removed from the oven, pour the cool syrup on the hot basbousa. Let cool completely , syrup must be absorbed into the cake. For best result, let it sit for an hour before you serve. 

When ready to serve top the cake with the coconut powder. This is optional. Slice and enjoy.