Eggless orange flavoured custard cake

This super easy egg less orange cake is perfect for breakfast, brunch or dessert. It is soft, tender and bursting with orange flavor. This egg less cake is one  of the most requested cake recipes by you guys! Each bite is simply delightful, sweet , tangy and bright. The cake has the orangish flavor with a light orange color and is light and soft cake . 

This egg less orange cake is very light and fluffy and it’s super easy to make from scratch. If you love the citrus flavor as much as I do, than I’m pretty much sure you’ll love this cake. The orange flavored buttercream frosting is an additional bonus of this cake. It makes the cake more gorgeous and more flavorful

I used store bought orange juice as orange season is over. But the taste is same like the fresh juice one . 


1 cup all purpose flour 
1 cup custard powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup orange juice ( tetra pack orange juice ) 
1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter / oil 
1 teaspoon vanilla essence 

Buttercream frosting : 

1/2 cup butter ( room temperature) 
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
Few drops of orange flavour 
Few drops orange colour

Blend it with electric beater or hand blender until you get smooth fluffy texture 

Method : 

Preheat oven at 200 degree Celsius. 

Mix all dry ingredients like plain flour, custard powder , salt , baking powder and baking soda in a bowl. 

Mix wet ingredients , milk , orange juice and vanilla essence  in another bowl. Pour the wet ingredients into a bowl of dry ingredients and mix it well . Now add butter and sugar. Stir it well so that all ingredients are well incorporated. 

Transfer the batter into greased baking tin and bake it at 175 degree C, for 30-35 minutes , check it by inserting tooth pick, if it comes out clear then it is baked . Let it cool . 

Once cooled down the cake , decor it with orange flavoured buttercream frosting .

Now cake is ready to serve !!